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blog BY fish4budz ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Skawla StoneFly Posted in
hook: york bend 12-18
thread: yellow uni 8/0
egg sac: red dubbing
abdomen:yellow or chartuese dry fly dubbing
wing: deer hair and polar flash
legs: mini tarantuala legs
antenna: same as legs
hackle: brown
if you have small golden stones, also called skawla, these are choice. in different [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY fish4budz ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Brown Drake Spinner Posted in
hook: dry fly hook 10-14
thread: brown uni 8/0
tail: moose hair
abdomen: brown turkey quill
wing: Zlong or synthetic of your choice
thorax: brown dry fly dubbing
awesome spinner for "Ranch" style, flat calm, waters. does not float well in moderate currents or faster. so a heavy hackled [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY fish4budz ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Whites mayfly nymph Posted in
hook: 10-16 standard or 1x long nymph hook, weighted or bead head
thread: tan uni 8/0
tail: mallard feather, wood duck
abdomen: hares ear dubbing
gills: ostrich hearl wrapped up abdomen
back: turkey tail feather
rib: copper wire or gold wire
thorax: hares ear dubbing larger than abdomen. [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY fish4budz ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
San Juan worm Posted in
hook: curved scud hook 12-18, weighted with copper wire
thread: red uni 8/0
body: red chenille
use where you have red worms in the bank and make smaller versions for red midges
blog BY fish4budz ON September 4 - 1 COMMENTS
Sparkle Quill caddis Posted in
hook:scud curve up eye 14-18
thread: 8/0 uni green
abdomen: green holographic tinsel
rib: green ulta wire
vail: white or cream antron
legs: grizzly hackle
thorax: yellow or brown marabou
this is great caddis emerger, it is ment to be deep so it works well with a heavy stone fly or split [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
DH Hopper Posted in
Back: Foam (optional color)
Under Body: Foam (optional color)
Wing: Dear Hair and 8-10 pieces of flashbou
Legs: Pre-cut (optional color)
Thread: To match color of back
Hook: 8-14
To make a cricket make it smaller and all black or dark drown
This is a great pattern for slow moving [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Large CDC PMD Ribbed Spinner Posted in
Wing: White cdc with a small foam piece to prop the wing up.
Tail: White turkey quills
Body: Sulfur yellow dubbing
Rid: Small silver tinsel
bottom hackle: White turkey quills
This pattern is great before dusk when large PMD spinners are hitting the water.
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 4 - 2 COMMENTS
Sulfur or PMD Parachute Posted in
Tail: White microfibbets
Body: Dubbing (sulfur orange or sulfur yellow
Post: Poly yarn or white calf hair
Hackle: White rooster hackle
This fly is great in low light times or if you have problems seeing.
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Red Roe (Salmon Egg) Posted in
Egg: Three piece of red Mc Fly Foam and one small piece of white to make a blood spot.
This pattern is very simple and very effective in all season, but most effective in the spring.
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 4 - 4 COMMENTS
Ant Posted in
Body: Dubbing
Thread: Color to match dubbing
Hackle: To match dubbing
This pattern sits high enough on the water that you can see it, but not so high it looks fake. This pattern is great for small an large stream a like.